Job Closing allows Epicor E10 users to mass close jobs. It works with a predefined BAQ that is setup with your specific job closing criteria. aPivot executes the BAQ, allows you to filter, select jobs, validates job data and close the jobs with any date you select.
Does your organization spend countless hours figuring out what jobs are ready to be closed. Are your users frustrated with working in the Epicor job closing module to close jobs at the end of each month?
This module allows you to close jobs in a matter of seconds.
Version 1.3 Features:
- aPivot ProAct Job Management – Job Closing
- General
- Mapping to a BAQ
- Maps BAQ headers to business object fields
- Ability to save, edit and delete mappings
- Validation
- Returns error.
- Allows you to edit row to correct error
- Submit
- Saves all rows and submits records
- Mapping to a BAQ
- General
Heres how it works:
We upload the BAQ and edit the criteria in the BAQ to match your business requirement for when a job is ready to close. example: all material has been issued, all operations have been completed, shipped or receipt to inventory and QTY >= productionQTY.
Log into ProAct
Click on Job Management
Select your company and site
Click Job Closing BAQ Upload
Click refresh
Select a mapping
Set Complete date
Set Close date
Select all jobs or just a few
Click Upload
It’s that simple! Save time and be proactive by giving this tool to your plant managers, allow them to complete and close jobs.
- Contact us today for a demo: